Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NPHI Medical Services Taller

I was incredibly fortunate enough to be able to attend NPHI's Sixth Annual Medical "Taller" (workshop/conference) at the NPH Nicaragua home. Don't ask me how I got so lucky- the stars just lined up! I was so excited in the days leading up to the conference, and it turned out to be even better than I was hoping for. I got to meet clinic representatives from each of the NPH homes except Haiti (dang visa problems!). Each home gave a presentation about their medical clinic, so I learned a lot about how each NPH clinic operates. Additionally, each home gave another presentation on one of their "special case" kids, a pequeño who presents an interesting and/or challenging medical condition. I got to present the NPH Guatemala special case with our clinic doctor, which was definitely a great chance for professional development and the most important Spanish presentation I've ever given! Aside from the presentations, we did a lot of training on the new electronic medical records system currently being implemented in the 9 homes, talked about treating swallow disorders, discussed rational use of medicine, and reviewed vaccine protocols. There were many inspiring doctors and nurses that just blew me away with the great things they are doing at the NPH clinics. So much compassion, love, and dedication!
It really happened! :) :) :)
Co-presenting the NPH Guatemala special case!
Overall, everything was very interesting and a wonderful, new experience for an aspiring pre-med! I really enjoyed the week and am so incredibly grateful that I was allowed to attend. Of course, getting a completion certification at the end of the week topped the experience off. First medical conference: check! :D
It's on the fridge, no big deal.
One of my favorite parts about my volunteer experience in the NPH Guatemala clinic is all the incredible people involved with NPHI that I've had the pleasure to meet and get to know over the year. At the time, I thought I would probably never see each person again, but I was wrong! It was like a big, happy reunion at the conference. All the cool kids were there :) Among many pictures with great people, here's one with Pilar Silverman (Executive Director of NPHI Medical Services- the BIG BOSS) and Marta Garate (Regional Medical Coordinator for the NPH Guatemala clinic). These two ladies have been a large part of my experience in the clinic and gave me the green light to go to the conference. THANK YOU!
Role models :)
At the end of the conference after a week of hard work, the NPH Nicaragua home was kind enough to throw us a little "despedida" (goodbye party). The gesture was very sweet and thoughtful. The NPH Nicaragua home has a real great dance program for their kids, and a big group of them performed cultural dances for us wearing traditional costumes. They even had kids playing in a live marimba band! I was REALLY impressed. It truly was awesome!
tapping my feet and I don't even like marimbas
As I have now said multiple times, I am so incredibly grateful that I had this opportunity.  I still can't believe I was lucky enough to go. A chance to grow as a medical professional, see a new NPH home, visit a new country... what more could a girl ask for? Thank you, God! An impacting experience, it is one I will remember and carry forward with me as I work my way into the medical profession.

If you'd like more information, you can check out NPHI Medical Services blog post on the conference!

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